The Nutty Chronicles
A narrative history of a Dublin family which combines anecdote, genealogy, history and speculation to reconstruct the lives of my modestly circumstanced Irish family stretching back over 200 years
12 episodes
8: The Trinity Birch
This episode continues the focus on my Dad's life and his work and is a chronological extension of events covered in episodes 5 and 6. Although the focus features my family's life in the 1960s and 1970s, the narrative stretches back to events i...
Season 1
Episode 8
M3: The Good, The Bad and the Future
This 3rd TNC Meta episode delves into the process behind creating the new website associated with the podcast. and why creating a dedicated website is vital to the growth of a podcast. I also talk about the trade off decisions made between buil...
Season 2
Episode 102
7: A Bed of Thorny Roses
This episode tells the story of the early years of my parent’s life together and how the family got into the rose growing business, the motivations, difficulties, successes and failures of that choice
Season 1
Episode 7
6: Ireland and Dad’s Lost Decades
The Ireland of the 1930s-50s was both socially conservative and economically isolated. This is the story of those decades as seen through my fragmentary understanding of my Dad's life during those years
Season 1
Episode 6
M2: A Tale of Two Humps
This 2nd TNC Meta episode delves into the importance of influencers on podcast subscriptions. Examines the impact of frequent social media promotion in driving listening activity and concludes with a progress review of The Nu...
Season 1
Episode 101
5: Pandemic's Grandchild - Part 2
This episode is the conclusion of Pandemic's Grandchild Part 1 and follows my Grandmother Emily Behan's move from Killeshin in Laois to Drumcondra in Dublin just as the War of Irish Independence breaks out in 1919. The podcast also contains a c...
Season 1
Episode 5
5: Pandemic's Grandchild - Part I
This episode tells the story of the Pandemic Flu of 1918 - 19 and how it had a profound effect on my family, especially my Grandmother, Nana Emily BehanIn this episode I interview Dublin historian on the impact of the flu on Irish socie...
Season 1
Episode 5
M1: Going Meta
This is a meta podcast. The term "meta" is used a lot in the techie world to describe activities which are self referential, so making a podcast about the making of podcast is about as meta as it comes. Essentially this a behind the scenes look...
Season 1
Episode 100
4: Great Uncle Bill and World War I
This episode covers the life of my Great Uncle Bill. The Dublin he grew up in and which preceded him and continues through his service in World War One
Season 1
Episode 4
3: The Big One - Lily
My great Aunt Lily was a maverick figure who carved out a non traditional life. This is the story of the difficult choices she had to make to live in the difficult world of early 20th century Ireland
Season 1
Episode 3